Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 275!We are an open and affirming pack in Silver Spring, Maryland founded in 1949. We welcome all youth and all families in the Highland View and Sligo Creek Elementary School area. We usually meet as a Pack the third Tuesday of the month. Pack meetings will be outdoors, depending on weather or at our indoor location: Christ Congregational Church on Colesville Road. (map). Hope to see you at our next meeting!
So, what we doing now? Select the Upcoming Events button below to see what we're up to!
Please follow links or listed contacts for more information.
Note: Most event costs typically include a 3% handling fee to cover volunteer efforts.
Want to add these events to your Google calendar or other calendaring program? Copy and Paste this calendar url to your favorite calendar program that supports the iCal (.ics) format.
https://api.scouting.org/advancements/events/calendar/75282 |