RANK Den # - Popcorn BoothPlease follow links or listed contacts for more information.
Popcorn Booth Support
The Den Scouts are responsible for manning a booth for popcorn sales at this grocery store for one 4-hour period. Please sign up for a support slot at the booth:
Ideally we should have no more than 4 scouts at any one time and at least 2 parents (in addition to any Den leaders)! We plan to divide the 4 hours into 3-4 shifts depending on sign-up/turnout due to the size of the Den and to keep the scouts fresh. Scouts must wear their Class A uniforms and be reminded to act courteously and not to approach store customers. Rather than directly soliciting for sales, our likely plan will be for the scouts to hold large signs indicating that they have popcorn for sale. Customers not interested in popcorn can be asked to make a donation to the pack. Questions: Eric Finch [email protected] cell: 703.203.1512 |